How Do You Want To Be Remembered As A Mom?
Dec 29, 2019
Not what do you want to do, but how do you want to do?
It goes without saying, the mom struggle is real. We book haircuts, doc appointments and endless activities for our kids but rarely carve out time for our own loves and curiosities. We shop for our children’s cough medicine without realizing we need some of our own. Our to-do lists dominate our days and even if we tick every box, there’s always something missing.
We think we have to do it all and feel balance and joy in that chaos. We’re overwhelmed, we’re exhausted and we’re not getting our own needs met. So then we go off the rails. We’re bossy. We yell. We eat things we know aren’t good for us. We talk badly about ourselves and others. We judge. We compare. We blame. We’re resentful. We feel that crushing mom guilt. We numb and we medicate. Online shopping binge? Bone broth diet? A workout? That extra glass of wine? Do they solve the whole problem?
Where do you even begin?
When we’re not taking care of ourselves, not listening to ourselves, not respecting ourselves, we’re no good to anyone, including ourselves.
When we’re gentle with ourselves, we’re gentler human beings. We’re graceful and compassionate, playful and intentional, centered and grounded. We need to truly see and love ourselves first to truly love those around us.
It starts with you.
What’s your first step? How do you want to be remembered as a mom?
We see you. We hear you. We feel you. Let’s get clear. Let’s create space for you.
You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf - Jon Kabot-Zinn
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