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What is it really costing you?

Dec 17, 2019

So picture this: you’re eating pretty well, you exercise, and while you know you could be doing more, you’re doing pretty good - it’s just those stubborn 10 pounds. 

You’re pulled in a lot of different directions on a daily basis, your to-do list is never-ending and it feels like at the end of the day, no matter what you do, there’s always more. 

Your anxiety is pretty high - despite the workouts which used to be enough - and you’re finding more and more often that you’re bossy and distracted. 

Your s.o. has become more of a messy roommate than a lover, and your fuse is short with your kids. 

From the outside, you should be happy, but if you’re being honest, those ten pounds are starting to feel like 20, and you can’t remember the last time you had an i-can-barely-breathe, tears-running-down-your-face, deep-in-your-belly, snorting laugh. 

The truth is, no matter how much kale you eat, or how much you exercise, or even how much weight you lose, you aren’t going to feel the way you want to feel in your life until you take a hard look at the bigger picture. 

Nutrition is a big part of our conversation with clients, in fact, it’s one of the top five reasons why clients seek us out. We started as health and wellness coaches. Working with clients on creating long term healthy behavior changes, including what to eat, when, and how much. 

The women we were working with came to us for guidance and accountability on their weight loss journey but we found that as we peeled the layers back, nutrition and diet challenges were just the tip of the iceberg: there were bigger shifts that needed to happen first. 

As you’ve gotten to know us (and perhaps started making room for your needs, taken steps to stop taking your place at the back of the line) you’ve begun to understand that creating change in your life requires mental, emotional and physical work. 

In creating long term behavior change, it’s typically not a knowledge gap but a mindset gap we need to bridge. Clients know they need to make change, they just don’t know where to start. They often know at least some of what to’s just not always happening. 

Once we coach clients to integrate mindfulness and mindset into their lives, long term change and lasting results prevail. Especially in terms of their nutrition goals and needs. 

What is it costing you emotionally, physically, financially, energetically to stay where you are? 

Because we want you to get to a point where you feel amazing in your body and you’re living the life your soul is craving. Otherwise, what’s the point? 

Take action. Book a call with us here

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