Work With Us.

You're in the right place if... 

You want to feel balanced without losing your ambition.

You want to give yourself a break without losing your edge.

You want to slow down without falling behind.

You don’t want less, you want more.

Sustainable success. Calm and balance. 

We'll show you how. 

Schedule a free consultation with us.

Our Coaching Process.

  • We want to make sure we're a great fit for your needs. We start with a free consultation to do just that. Go ahead, schedule yours below.
  • We work with clients in six-month containers - two coaches, six whole months - and it’s all about YOU!  
  • We coach via Zoom with clients across the USA and around the world.
  • Our process is structured in goal setting, follow through and accountability.
  • You'll walk away with the self-awareness, mindset and skillset to get out of survival mode and actually enjoy the life you work so hard to create. For the rest of your life. 
  • The tools and skills we develop include nervous system regulation, thought work, written reflection, mindfulness exercises and emotional processing.
  • After one month of our coaching, if you feel like you’re not moving the needle, we’ll return your investment in full. For real.
Schedule your free consultation with us.

The Details. 

Two coaches on retainer at your finger tips for six months.

  • Once a week live coaching sessions via Zoom with Kelle and Nina.
  • Spot coaching between sessions (as-needed).
  • Digital accountability coaching (text/slack/whatsapp).
  • Experiments, homework, exercises, worksheets, and practice included. 
Schedule Your Free Consultation.