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Kelle and Nina Life Coaching

We help high-achieving women ACTUALLY enjoy the life they work so hard to create.

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  • "I'm a much more present, grounded, and calm person, noticing the moments in life rather than letting them pass by and missing them altogether. I am proud to be showing up for myself, my friends and my family in a better way. From the inside. It is fulfilling and rewarding to be living life this way."      -Abbi

High-achievers and strivers, you're in the right place.  

Daily overwhelm, resentment or guilt

Obligation overload


Making room for YOU

Sustainable success, calm and balance

It's possible - the only thing standing in the way might be YOU. 

Let's create your AFTER

Life coaching opens you up to tackle the problem from the inside out. 

You don't need to buy a new planner to find calm and balance in your life.

We'll show you how your thinking right now is informing your life - and then how to think on purpose to feel better, more empowered. 

You learn to walk yourself out of overwhelm and burnout towards connection, balance and calm. 

The best part? The amazing relief you feel when we help you see there’s another way to be, do and have what you want in life. No matter what’s going on around you.

In our six month coaching container we do the deep work and have a lot of fun along the way. There's room for all of it.

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The inner work that drives outer results.

As your life coaches, we help you slow your roll and shine a light on your blind spots - those sneaky thoughts and limiting beliefs that might be holding you back from ACTUALLY enjoying your beautiful life.  

Let us show you how actions don't create results, beliefs do.  

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"Yesterday Kelle and Nina walked me through the last 5 months of our weekly meetings together. I could feel the progress but was surprised to see the progress in writing. From learning about self-confidence to re-working the thoughts that run on repeat, the way they coach hits home for me and I couldn't be more grateful our paths crossed and for my vision they lit within me.      -Liza 

Our Guarantee.   

If within the first 30 days of coaching with us you feel like you’re not moving the needle, we’ll return your investment in full. For real.

Work With Us.

"I realized you don't have to live every day so frantically and busy and grinding through it.  Kelle and Nina really helped redirect my thought process. I'm so much happier. I feel better. I've cut out alcohol for the most part, I'm resting better and my anxiety is lower.  When I do get stressed, I have tools. They have given me a framework to live better and create a more aligned version of myself. "    -Becky

Tuesday Thinks.

The Weekly Email for High-Achievers.

Science, tools and skills to get you out of overwhelm so you can enjoy the life you've worked so hard to create. 

The latest on our blog.

Do You Trust Yourself?

Feb 06, 2024

This is not a problem

Mar 05, 2024

Be the boss of your brain

Mar 12, 2024